How can we help

Frequently asked questions


How do I get reviewed?
Can I invite someone to review me ?
What happened after someone reviewed me ?
Can I delete a review ?
Are reviews verified by Legaly?

Claim a profile

How do I claim my profile ?
Is it free to claim a profile ?
Why should I claim my profile ?
Do I have to be Premium to claim my profile ?
How will I have access to my profile ?


What is Legaly Premium?
Do I have to be Premium to use Legaly?
How much does Legaly Premium cost ?
How can I upgrade to Legaly?
Do I have to pay for a whole year at a time?
How can I cancel my subscription ?
Can I still use Legaly if I have cancelled my subscription ?

Leads on Legaly

What is a lead ?
How can I receive leads ?
Do I have to be Premium to receive leads ?
Can I choose what kind of lead I want to receive ?
Do I have to pay any extra to receive leads ?
How do I see the leads I received ?
Can I choose how much leads I want to receive ?
Can I stop receiving leads ?


How do I pay on Legaly?
Can I contest an invoice ?
How can I access my invoices ?
What is the delay to pay my invoices ?
How does Legaly send its invoices ?

About Legaly

Who started Legaly?
What are Legaly's values?
Is every swiss lawyer on Legaly?
Who is the target audience of Legaly?
Why is my review not yet published on Legaly?
Can lawyers reserve themselves from appearing on Legaly?
How can I make my profile more visible on Legaly?