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Accepts new clients Accepts online consultation
Rank (based on page views) 5. out of 2069 most popular in Zürich

About Martin Eckert

Martin Eckert is a lawyer in Zürich and works for MME Legal AG. The company has 37 lawyers registered The postal address is Zollstrasse 62, Postfach, 8031 Zürich. On Legaly Martin Eckert has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 49 pageviews.

Areas of expertise

Competition, contract, trade, online shopping, purchase contract

Licence, FINMA, confidentiality, capital requirements, capital market, asset management, credit, financing

DSG, GDPR, data processor, personal data, monitoring, data security, ID theft

Corporate responsibility, shareholder responsibility, management, equity, commercial, business development, start-up, reporting, corporate management, business sale, acquisition, establishment, board of directors, shares

Internet, IT, IT contracts, software, data protection, copyright, fintech, consumer protection, online, storage, technology, software, blockchain, cryptocurrency, ship technology

Rettigheter, kontrakt, bruksrettighet, lisensavtale

Public law, public procurement, submission, allocation, supply, service, construction work, tender, basis of competition, procurement, purchasing, tender, tender processes


Legaly calculates the ranking of all lawyers, based on reviews they receive from former clients on our platform. The rank factors number of reviews, and the aggregated total score. Below, you can see how Martin Eckert compares against other lawyers, in the legal categories he works with.

5. out of 2069 most popular in Zürich 49 profile views last month

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